Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beck’s Failure To Retract Global Warming Advocacy Provokes Online Firestorm

Friday, July 25, 2008

Newsroom 7-25-2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Daily News Summary - July 22,2008

Daily News Summary – July 22, 2008

Dr. Richard Evans, big time scientist that has been behind the global warming scam has completely reversed his position. Click here for more

Americans finally wake up to the fact that the economy is in serious trouble. Click fore more

An official guest list for Bohemian Grove’s 2008 midsummer encampment along with a map of the Grove’s facilities has been obtained by a San Francisco based action group who held protests and information drives outside the entrance to the elite summer retreat. For the full story, go to

The United States is set to lead a joint military exercise in the Atlantic Ocean to show off its combat capability as a warning to Iran. Click for full story George Washington’s Blog

Ben S. Bernanke and Henry Paulson are under pressure to embrace the big-government policies of America in the 1930s, or Sweden in the 1990s, to contain the conflagration engulfing the U.S. housing and financial markets. Cick for more Bloomberg.

DARPA, the Pentagon boffinry outfit which bestrides the tech world like some mighty, erratic robot colossus with a frikkin laser beam on its head, has made a new move. The plan is to electronically tag US combat soldiers in a similar fashion to criminals under judicial restraint. Full article here.

Many people deny that the U.S. government presides over a global empire. If you speak of U.S. imperialism, they will fancy that you must be a decrepit Marxist-Leninist who has recently awakened after spending decades in a coma.Click fere for full story Lew .

Fox News hides truth about cancer-causing additives in milk from Monsanto. Click for video Youtube.

Attorney General Michael Mukasey prompted Congress Monday morning, during a speech to the conservative American Enterprise Institute, to create new rules governing the rights of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The American Civil Liberties Union immediately responded to Mukasey’s request, calling his proposals nothing short of asking Congress to subvert the Constitution. Raw Story click for full story.

American physicists warned not to debate global warming. Click The Register for full story.
Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists. Click for more

CNN seems to be obsessed with blaming everything on ET. Every time we see Larry King, he’s talking about aliens and UFO’s. YouTube click for video. They are real journalists.
The Global Elite have dumbed Americans down. Click here for video

McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Read article.

The Bush administration threatens war with Iran as if the decision is the president’s to make. The president believes himself to be constrained by neither the Constitution nor the 1973 War Powers Resolution.

Travelers, be aware: Your full-blown image — private parts and all — could soon be visible to a security officer, on-screen, at an airport near you.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Governor Wants Chicago Martial Law

Governor Proposes Martial Law Choppers For Chicago
Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Monday, July 21, 2008

The gun control capital of America - Chicago - where only the criminals are allowed to own firearms - has been hit by a fresh wave of crime and violence, prompting Governor Rod Blagojevich to call for National Guard helicopters to be used in law enforcement operations.
The precedent for National Guard units and military personnel to be used in domestic law enforcement has been a growing cancer for the last three decades.

Blagojevich plans to form an “elite tactical team” to help the city fight crime, according to a speech he gave last week.
“Violent crime in the city of Chicago is out of control,” Blagojevich said at the bill signing ceremony. “I’m offering resources of the state to the city to work in a constructive way with Mayor Daley to do everything we can possibly do to help stop this violence,” said the governor.
Citing the fact that a child has been shot nearly every day since the end of June, Blagojevich called for National Guard helicopters to be used in high crime areas.
However, as police department spokeswoman Monique Bond noted, the actual number of homicides in the city is significantly down.

“2008 may end with fewer than 500 homicides and that it is expected to be one of the least deadly years in the city in the last 40 years,” reports
Following questions regarding the use of National Guard choppers in the city, Blagojevich’s office attempted to pour cold water over the issue by stating that National Guard troops would not enter the city.

“The only way the National Guard would be involved, if they are involved, is with the use of tactical helicopters that are currently used in narcotics operations,” spokesman Lucio Guerrero said in a prepared statement.

The precedent for National Guard units and military personnel to be used in domestic law enforcement has been a growing cancer for the last three decades.
Documentarian and radio talk show host Alex Jones has has attended numerous military urban warfare training drills across the U.S. where role players were used to simulate arresting American citizens, confiscating their weapons, and taking them to internment camps. Actors scream out that they have constitutional rights as they are handcuffed and hauled off to the detainment facility.

Legislation has already been passed that paves the way for the U.S. military to engage American citizens on home soil.
The John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007 allows the President to declare a “public emergency” and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to “suppress public disorder.”

Military-style drills involving unmarked black helicopters (the kind that the corporate media insists only exist inside the minds of conspiracy nutjobs) took place in Denver and Florida last month under the pretext of “terrorism training,” with choppers buzzing around downtown Denver and even causing damage to people’s property by flying well below legal altitudes.

Bohemian Grove Official Guest List

Steve Watson
Monday, July 21, 2008

An official guest list for Bohemian Grove’s 2008 midsummer encampment along with a map of the Grove’s facilities has been obtained by a San Francisco based action group who held protests and information drives outside the entrance to the elite summer retreat.

The list reveals that amongst the hundreds of corporate representatives, government officials and banking elites, guests also included former president George H.W. Bush, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, as well as several former directors of the CIA, including James Woolsey.
For the full story, go to

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bush, McCain & Obama To Visit Bohemian Grove?
Email page

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Friday, July 11, 2008

Outgoing President George W. Bush and both of his presumptive replacements John McCain and Barack Obama are rumored to be in attendance at this year’s Bohemian Grove gathering, an annual get-together of the global elite staged inside a sprawling forest encampment which kicks off tonight and runs until July 27.

Bohemian Grove is a 136-year-old all-male encampment complete with restaurants, bars, stages and lodges, which caters to around 2,000 members of the global elite along with Californian hoi polloi on a yearly basis in July. The camp is set within a 2,700 acre secluded forest replete with giant redwood trees.

Former attendees include Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, who both went on to become President, as well as regulars like Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller, Colin Powell, as well as George W. Bush and his father.

In 2000 radio host and film maker Alex Jones infiltrated the gathering and caught exclusive video footage of a bizarre mock human sacrifice ritual, known as “the cremation of care”, under a 40 foot stone owl that the members refer to as Molech.

Attendees dress up like Klan members in hooded robes and perform druidic pagan ceremonies to mark the spectacular finale of the event.

In 2004, The New York Post reported that top gay porn star Chad Savage was hired by the Grove to “service” its members during the event and “attend to their every need”.
“When they’re not listening to policy speeches, “Bohos” are known to urinate freely in the redwoods and perform mock-druidic rituals that revolve around a 40-foot-tall stone owl. In one ritual, called “Cremation of Care,” members wearing red-hooded robes cremate a coffin effigy of “Dull Care” at the base of the owl altar,” the report stated.

Alex Jones discusses the shocking footage he obtained during his 2000 infiltration of the Grove.
Homosexual orgies are known to be part of the festivities enjoyed by the predominately “Christian conservative” leaders who go there. Former attendee Richard Nixon once referred to the Grove as, “the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.”

A reader who got a summer job working at the Grove in 2005, Chris Jones, told us that he was regularly propositioned for sex by the old men attending the encampment and asked if he “slept around” and wanted to have some fun.

Jones was later sentenced to three years in jail by California authorities for simply showing a tape of his visit to minors.

However, the media’s attitude to hundreds of powerbrokers attending an event at which the Manhattan Project was known to have been born, while frolicking around dressed up as women pissing up trees and having gay sex, has been sophomoric to say the least.

One such hit piece in the Sacramento News & Review, which ties the Grove as well as public organizations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission with shape-shifting reptoid conspiracies, is useful for only one piece of information - the claim that Presidential hopeful John McCain may be attending this year’s gathering.

In addition, according to an Arizona Daily Star report about a different subject, President Bush’s schedule for next week has not been released, meaning Bush, a regular attendee with his father to Bohemian Grove in past years, could be set to make a visit at some point to mark the last year of his presidency.

Tellingly, both McCain and Democratic candidate Barack Obama will be in California from Saturday to Tuesday, during which time both candidates are scheduled to speak at the National Council of La Raza, a racist Mexican separatist group that advocates a violent overthrow of the southwestern U.S. states.

Their schedule puts them in the perfect location to enjoy a night at the Grove this weekend.
Two years ago we were able to accurately surmise then British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s visit to the Grove, which coincided with a visit to San Francisco where he met with powerbrokers.
Thus far, there has only been one other mainstream report concerning the event, an article entitled Power brokers due at Bohemian Grove, appearing in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, a local paper that routinely covers the gathering.

“Critics, who until recent years mounted protests outside its gates, say the gatherings serve as strategy sessions for a New World Order operating outside democratic institutions,” states the article.

“Most critics raise the specter of national policy with global implications coming from behind the gates of an exclusive, closed-door gathering of largely conservative, wealthy white men.”

Something Big about To Happen Warns Ron Paul

Wally Says Check This Out

The message was sent in reference to "Ron Paul: "Some Big Events Are About To Occur"":
Texas Congressman Ron Paul has warned the House that he is "convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur." that will cause liberty to go "into deep hibernation".

Obama Wants His Own Hitler Youth

Obama Calls For National Civilian Stasi

Presidential candidate wants domestic “security force” as powerful as U.S. military, columnist compares proposal to Hitler Youth
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Presidential frontrunner Barack Obama has called for a “civilian national security force” as powerful as the U.S. military, comments that were ignored by the vast majority of the corporate media but compared by one journalist to the Nazi Hitler Youth.

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,” Obama told a Colorado Springs audience earlier this month.

World Net Daily editor Joseph Farah asked if he was the only journalist in America who found Obama’s statement troubling.

“If we’re going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn’t this rather a big deal?” wrote Farah.

“Are we talking about creating a police state here? The U.S. Army alone has nearly 500,000 troops. That doesn’t count reserves or National Guard. In 2007, the U.S. Defense budget was $439 billion. Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that? If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?” is seemingly the only other media outlet to express interest in exactly what Obama is proposing.

“The statement was made in the context of youth service. Is this an organization for just the youth or are adults going to participate? How does one get away from the specter of other such “youth” organizations from Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union when talking about it?” wrote Michael Silence.

Obama’s proposal smacks of an expanded version of an existing program in which hundreds of police, firefighters, paramedics and utility workers have been trained and recently dispatched as “Terrorism Liaison Officers” in Colorado, Arizona and California to watch for “suspicious activity” which is later fed into a secret government database.

It is also reminiscent of the supposedly canned 2002 Operation TIPS program, which would have turned 4 per cent of Americans into informants under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department.

TIPS lived on in other guises, such as the Highway Watch program, a $19 billion dollar Homeland Security-run project which trains truckers to watch for suspicious activity on America’s highways.

More recently, ABC News reported that “The FBI is taking cues from the CIA to recruit thousands of covert informants in the United States as part of a sprawling effort… aid with criminal investigations.”

Since authorities now define mundane activities like buying baby formula, beer, wearing Levi jeans, carrying identifying documents like a drivers license and traveling with women or children or mentioning the U.S. constitution as the behavior of potential terrorists, the bounty for the American Stasi to turn in political dissidents is sure to be too tempting to resist under Obama’s new program

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

House Divided Cannot Stand
By Wally Paul
July 17, 2008

A house divided cannot stand. America today is very fractured. This is a condition that the New World order loves to precipitate. Black vs. White. Man vs. Woman. McCain vs. Obama. Republican vs. Democrat. Conservatives vs. Liberal. Right vs. Left. Divide and Conquer. It’s as old as life itself. You could come up with many more groups that are constantly being pitted against one another. The New World order pays good money to keep these contemptuous relationships alive and well. Keep hating this group and that group. Keep blaming this group and that group. Hating and blaming. In the mean time with all this in-fighting amongst different factions it becomes impossible to unite against the one group who pays to keep all sides battling each other.

We can’t even see the real enemy, through the screams and cries of hatred against these well-known antagonists. Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. Heterosexual vs. homosexual. Environmentalists vs. Neo-Cons. All false paradigms. All sides bought and paid for by your friendly New World Order. Many of us are so blinded that we say this demonic enemy does not even exist. The New World Order is the same small elite group that have sold their souls in exchange for global domination. To defeat this morally devoid opponent we must unite.

The problem is the grand illusion they have so carefully crafted. By owning every group, and pitting them against each other, they who are the real enemy of all mankind become almost invisible and their very open conspiracy goes undetected by many and the object of their existence ridiculed by others.

The New World Order has perfected their craft of deception over the centuries largely through the ritualistic craft of freemasonry. Our country was founded by freemasons. We can look to the symbols of freemasonry around the world as evidence of their control of all affairs in all parts of the world. The freemason symbolism abounds in Washington D.C. and in governmental architecture across America and the world. Kennedy spoke out against such secret societies prior to his assasination.

The elites that run the world are psychopaths and control freaks. They are very smart and very ruthless. One maxim about the New World Order, is they always get what they pay for. In other words if people think our education system has problems, this would not be how the NWO would see the situation. To the NWO the education system is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. Dumb us down. They don’t want any critical thinkers. If jobs are hard to find that is what the NWO wants. (I am saying New World Order because our government runs nothing). If gas is ten dollars a gallon that is what the NWO wants. If your bank fails and you lose all your money, well it was planned that way a long time ago. They meticulously plan every detail through think tanks where they hire the brightest minds, with their unlimited funds, to plan their evil agenda.

We must wake up, stop fighting with each other, and unite in the infobattles and the infowars against the New World Order.

Peace, Wally Paul

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Change We Can Believe In

US candidates practice their U-turns

By Max Deveson
BBC News, Washington

In order to pass their political driving test, successful politicians need to be masters of one tricky maneuver in particular - the U-turn.

Barack Obama (L) and John McCain (R), both pictured from behind
The candidates have shifted their positions on a number of policies

The contenders in this year's US presidential election are no exceptions - both John McCain and Barack Obama have engaged in some nifty repositioning.

Mr McCain's U-turns have mostly increased his appeal to the Republican Party's base, placing him on a rightward trajectory.

Barack Obama has been performing a more traditional maneuver: running to the left during the primaries, when party activists need to be wooed, then shifting to the center once the nomination is clinched.

Flip-flopping politicians will always attract charges of hypocrisy and opportunism: it may be worth it if it helps them win over undecided voters in the middle, but when the goal is to shore up their political base, the benefits are much less clear.

Here are some examples.


Having long been a member of his party's more moderate wing on a number of issues, Mr McCain began adopting more right-wing positions during the primary campaign.


Last year, Mr McCain was one of the key backers of President Bush's plan for "comprehensive immigration reform", which would have created "paths to citizenship" for illegal immigrants, while investing more money in border security.

The plan was very unpopular with the Republican rank-and-file, and Senate Republicans succeeded in blocking the scheme.

During the primaries, Mr McCain announced that his immigration focus would be on securing America's borders, rather than on giving illegal immigrants the chance to become US citizens.

"I understand why you would call it a, quote, shift," McCain told reporters in November 2007.

"I say it is a lesson learned about what the American people's priorities are. And their priority is to secure the borders."

Christian right

Another McCain, quote, shift was in his relationship with the religious right of his party.

During his 2000 bid for the Republican nomination, relations between Mr McCain and Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell were notoriously fractious.

The Arizona senator memorably described Mr Falwell and fellow members of the religious right as "agents of intolerance".

But in 2006, ahead of his second presidential run, Mr McCain delivered the commencement address at Mr Falwell's Liberty University, after which he attended a small private party hosted by his former political adversary.

Interrogation rules

More recently, Mr McCain angered his former allies in the political centre by supporting a bill exempting the CIA from following the same rules on interrogation as the US Army.


Mr McCain was one of the most prominent Republican voices opposed to the Bush administration's detention policy in Guantanamo Bay.

But when the Supreme Court recently ruled that Guantanamo detainees should have access to US courts, Mr McCain described it as "one of the worst decisions in the history of the country".

Oil drilling

Since sewing up the Republican nomination in March, Mr McCain - one of only a few prominent Republicans to accept the argument that human activity is causing climate change - has dropped his previous objection to lifting the ban on oil exploration off the coast of the US.


Since clinching the Democratic nomination, Barack Obama has also been making headlines for his policy shifts.

Campaign finance

Last month he announced that he would be rejecting public financing for his campaign, and would instead rely on private donations.

The McCain camp accused Mr Obama of "going back on his word", although Mr Obama insisted that he had never made a promise to stay in the public finance system.

Surveillance programme

Mr Obama also raised eyebrows when he announced that he would not be opposing a bill going through Congress giving immunity to telephone companies involved in the Bush administration's controversial warrantless wiretap programme.

His decision angered many of his supporters on the left, who accused him of going back on his 2007 pledge "to support a filibuster of any bill that includes retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies".

Gun control

When the Supreme Court decided to overturn Washington DC's handgun ban, Mr Obama declared that the ruling "provide[d] much-needed guidance", despite having previously argued (in a written answer that he says was drafted by an aide and which he had not approved) that the ban was constitutional.


Withdrawing troops from Iraq has long been one of the central planks of Mr Obama's campaign, and was something that set him apart from other Democratic candidates running for the party's presidential nomination.

Since his campaign began, however, conditions in Iraq have changed, violence has reduced, and some commentators have suggested that Mr Obama's position is out of date.

Mr Obama himself has announced that he plans to visit Iraq, where he will make "a thorough assessment" which could lead him to "refine" his policy.

Some critics have seized on this as an indication that Mr Obama is laying the groundwork for a change in position.

Free trade

Mr Obama recently hinted to Fortune magazine that his strong anti-free trade rhetoric during the primaries may not be reflected in his actual trade policy should he become president.

His remarks are a neat summation of the pressures and temptations that lead politicians to shift their positions during the process of running for office.

"Sometimes during campaigns the rhetoric gets overheated and amplified," he said.

"Politicians are always guilty of that, and I don't exempt myself."



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